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April 2004
MDR / Germany

Wedding Prince Friso and Mabel

Live transmission of and background reportages about the wedding of Prince Friso and Mabel Wisse Smit for the reportage program Tagesthemen and the tabloid program Brisant from the German first public TV broadcaster ARD

After it came out that Mabel Wisse Smit had an affair with a notorious Dutch criminal and that the couple did not tell the full story to the Dutch Prime Minister, Prince Friso had to give up his rights to the throne.

A huge wedding is organised in the Orange city of Delft, most of the European Royal families had to miss the festivities.

For these productions did the research, set-up and planning, research and organise archive video footage, accompany life stand-ups and organise bystanders for live interviews, accompanied filming, and did street interviews.
