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September 2008
ARD Europamagazin / Germany

Verdict Hasan Nuhanovic case

The Netherlands District Court in The Hague will deliver its verdict on whether the Dutch state and its contingent of United Nations peace-keeping troops can be held responsible for handing over Bosnian refugees that looked for protection against Serb soldiers.

In July 1995 Bosnians who had sought refuge In the Dutch UN forces’ based at Potocari were ordered by Dutch UN peacekeepers to leave the safety of the base and sent to face the prospect of certain death with Bosnian refugees already being killed and raped by Serb soldiers only a few meters outside the area under UN protection.

The Dutch UN forces even denied protection to Bosnians that worked for them and that they knew personally. Like the family of their interpreter Hasan Nuhanovic. His entire immediate family: mother, father and brother, were murdered by the Bosnian Serb Army. He is stating the Dutchbat are to blame for handing over his family members to forces of Ratko Mladic.

The studio in Vienna from the German public TV channel ARD wants to produce a reportage about the trial for the background reportage program Europamagazin. The involved lawyers and Mient Jan Faber from the international Catholic peace movement Pax Christie are interviewed. And a portrait is made of one of the UN Duchtbat soldiers.

For this reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up and planning of the filming, booked a camera crew and accompanied the filming.
