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November 2007
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

Toxic Toys

More than 20 million toys made in China have been recalled worldwide over the past four months, because of potentially dangerous levels of lead or choking hazards due to small magnets. Some of these toys were manufactured using paints from unauthorized suppliers of paints with high toxic levels of lead.

For a reportage for the program ’10 vor 10’ from the Swiss public TV broadcaster Schweizer Fernsehen Europe correspondent Christoph Nufer needs coverage of how the Dutch check out how the shipments of containers filled with toys for the rest of Europe are controlled in the Rotterdam harbour.

The Dutch food and product safety Authority (NVWA) and the Dutch customs make risk analyses to decide which container needs to be inspected. Often the inspection happens at importers itself, to prevent the constant flow of containers in the harbour is frustrated. Papers and toys are checked and samples are taken and tested in the NVWA labs.

For this background reportage Featurez did the research, set- and planning of the filming and the direction and interviews.
