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April 2018

The success of Buurtzorg

Buurtzorg (Neighbourhood care) is a Dutch pioneering healthcare organisation established 10 years ago with a nurse-led model of holistic care that revolutionised community care in the Netherlands.

Client satisfaction rates are the highest of any health care organisation, staff commitment and contentedness is reflected in Buurtzorg’s title of Best Employer (4 out of the last 5 years) and impressive financial savings and increased productivity has been achieved.

Ernst & Young documented savings of around 40 percent to the Dutch health care system if all care was provided this way.

Collaboration is key to Buurtzorg’s model of care and its operating model, resulting in Buurtzorg collaborating to find new ways of working and new areas of care, at home and internationally. As the model develops a global learning network is forming around Buurtzorg to share experience and knowledge.

Gertje van Roessel, an experienced coach Buurtzorg and International Director: ‘Buurtzorg is active in different countries. The teams are doing a lot of travelling as well as welcoming guests to Buurtzorg from all over the world. I’ve just returned from a visit, taking in China, Japan and Taiwan, where our partners there are establishing Buurtzorg teams. It’s thrilling to see the teams in action; to be on an entirely new continent with very different cultures and customs, and yet feel so at home – with the spirit of Buurtzorg all around me!’

YLE reporter Kirsti Karttunen comes to the Netherlands to interview Jos de Blok, the founder of Buurtzorg and follows a team of Buurtzorg district nurses in Amsterdam.

For this production Featurez gave advice, did the research, set up and planning of the filming, booked a rental car, did the driving and accompanied the filming.
