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June 2006
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

The strict Dutch immigration law

The Europe correspondent from the first Swiss public TV channel Schweizer Fernsehen travels to the Netherlands to report for the program ‘10 vor 10’ about the strict Dutch immigration legislation and policy.

A new information film for people that want to immigrate to The Netherlands is a starting point for a search for the effects of the policy. The film is offered as an information source when people have to do the immigration exams in an embassy in their home country. It turns out that the film is pretty paternalistic and that a long shot of a woman with bare breasts coming out of the sea, was the reason to make a censored version for Muslim countries.

A Dutch Pakistani father is fighting for three years to get his wife and son over to The Netherlands and a Dutch Turkish immigration lawyer explains how harsh the Dutch system became. When she takes the correspondent to the local mosque in The Hague, the first generation immigrants complain about the fact that they never got the possibility to learn Dutch and that they are now also forced to do this, paying thousands of euros.

In Rotterdam a discussion evening is organised about how to combat the actual Islam phobia and the chairman of the local party ‘Leefbaar Rotterdam’, erected by the late Pim Fortuyn, gives his views on the Dutch immigration policy.

For this background reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up and planning and accompanied the filming.
