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October 2000

The Peerbooms coma treatment case

After the son of the Peerbooms family had an accident with his motor bike he ends up in a hospital. Sadly enough he stays in a coma and after a while the responsible doctor suggests that it is maybe better to carry out euthanasia. The Peerbooms parents are shocked and decide to try an alternative doctor in Austria . The result of the therapy is incredible successful. In

The Netherlands the treatment for coma patients exists but is still experimental and only for people up to 25 years of age. The son is 30, so the insurance does not pay anything. Should insurance companies pay treatments in other European countries? The Peerbooms family decide to go to court.

The background reportage program Tagesthemen from the German public broadcaster ARD report about the case.

For this reportage Featurez did research, organised permission from the family, did the set-up and planning and accompanied the filming.
