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April 2015

The need for reduction of antibiotics in cattle farming

The Netherlands is the forerunner in Europe in the reduction of the use of antibiotics in intensive cattle farming. The densely populated country is the second largest agricultural exporter in the world and this has its negative effects on public health.

Lately local doctors have warned the Dutch authorities that multi-resistant bacteria occur more often at farmers and people that live nearby farms. And a study by a Dutch research institute that has been published recently concludes that there is a direct relation between the stench and the health of the local population surrounding the farms.

A Dutch pig farmer decided to develop what he calls ‘the farm of the future’. A durable farm where a minimum of energy is used and pigs are forced to go to their toilet by innovative floors that are cooled and heated.

The manure is processed in a durable way and used to produce energy. This all results in much happier pigs and no need to use antibiotics anymore. An important example because it is predicted that the use of antibiotics in intensive farming will rise with 70% worldwide in the upcoming years.

The Euronews program Reporter wants to research to be done.
