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May 2008
ARD Weltspiegel

The global chicken

Most of the chicken cages from Kofi, a chicken farmer in Ghana, are empty. Around 90% of the chicken farmers in Ghana already went bankrupt because they cannot sell chicken meat anymore. According to traders it is too expensive. This is because chicken meat from Europe is much, much cheaper.

For the program Weltspiegel from the first public German TV broadcaster ARD, correspondent Marion von Haaren produces a background reportage about the chicken meat business in Ghana and in the Netherlands.

The Dutch are one of the largest European chicken meat exporters and at a huge chicken slaughterhouse in Nuspeet, it turns out that all parts of the chicken find their way into the world. Breasts to Europe, legs to eastern Europe, claws to Asia and the rest to Africa.

For this reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up, organised filming in the slaughterhouse , did the planning and accompanied the filming and did the direciton and interviews for extra filming.
