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March 2018

The fight against street intimidation

A bill to combat sexist and sexual violence will be presented to the French Council of Ministers on Wednesday 21 March 2018. The new text provides for a fine of ninety euros for ‘sexist contempt’, or street harassment. But what are our European neighbours doing to combat this type of verbal or gestural aggression?

TF1 journalist Dominique Lagrou travels to the Netherlands to make a news reportage on how Amsterdam is trying to fight sexual harassment in the streets. From the beginning of 2018 fines should be given for street intimidation, but the Amsterdam mayor just decided to postpone the measure indefinitely.

Pleun van Onzenoort, a representative of the Foundation Stop Street Intimidation, Milou Deelen, a young woman who posted an online anti-slut shaming video and Marianne Poot, member of the Amsterdam council, give their views.

For this news reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, set up, accompanied the planning and did translations.
