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February 2001
ARD Europamagazin / Germany

The Enschede fireworks disaster

Immediately after the May 13, 2000 fireworks disaster in Enschede, the municipality of Enschede, the province of Overijssel and the Dutch state jointly decided to conduct an independent investigation. On May 26, the Fireworks Disaster Investigation Committee was installed.

How could the disaster happen, who was responsible, how was the fight against the disaster conducted, how were those affected helped, and what lessons have been learned from the investigation? These are the questions the Commission wants to answer in its investigation. On February 28, 2001, the Commission presents the result to the three principals.

At the presentation of the final report fireworks disaster in Enschede, the German ARD is checking out how the actual situation is close to one year after the disaster. How is life in the destroyed neighbourhood? How do the authorities cope with reception of victims and the lack of housing? Is the Foundation of the victims satisfied about the way the authorities deal with the situation and with the final question: who is guilty? Only the owners of the factory or also the authorities, because there was too little control.

Reporter Michel Heussen travels to Enschede for a reportage about the situation in the destroyed neighbourhood around one year after the disaster and to attend the presentation of the end report for the programs Tagesthemen and Europamagazin from the German first public TV channel ARD.

For these reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up and planning, accompanied the filming and organised archive video footage.
