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January 2020

The Dutch narco state

Over the last years there is an increase of organised heavy crime in the Netherlands. Large shipments of cocaine are intercepted in the harbor of Rotterdam, numerous illegal synthetic drugs laboratories are discovered in the south of the country and many liquidations take place in in broad daylight, including a lawyer of a crown witness.

TF1 crime reporter Georges Brenier travels to the Netherlands to find out is the Netherlands is becoming a narco state.

Georges and his cameraman attend a regional meeting of the police, municipality of Eindhoven and prosecutor’s office in the province of Brabant and get a tour along locations where drug labs were found and dismantled by crime journalist Willem Jan Joachems of regional TV channel TV Brabant.

Furthermore, Georges Brenier interviews the Secretary-general from the Association of Criminal Law Lawyers and the chairman of the Dutch police Union Jan Struis.

For this news reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, set up and planning of the filming, accompanied the filming, did translations and organised archive footage.
