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October 2006
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

The Armenian genocide issue

for the reportage program ‘10 vor 10’ Europe correspondent Christoph Nufer from the Swiss public TV broadcaster Schweizer Fernsehen travels to the Netherlands to report about the fact that in The Netherlands and in France suddenly the ‘Armenian Issue’ is in the news again.

In The Netherlands Turkish candidates are thrown off the party list, because they cannot confirm that the murder on the Armenians by the Turks in the beginning of the last century, was genocide. In France a new law is taken on that denying the Armenian genocide is unlawful. In Turkey any doubt or critics against the government or system is illegal.

The chairman of the Dutch Organisation Muslims and Government is portrayed at a national Iftar meeting in Rotterdam and member of parliament for the labour party Frans Timmermans is interviewed.

For this background reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up and planning of the filming, booked hotel rooms, organised archive footage and accompanied the filming and the satellite transfer of the video material and did translations.
