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November 2007

The Anne Frank tree trial

The council of the Amsterdam Centre district declared that the tree behind the Anne Frank house, has to be cut down on due to the risk that it could otherwise fall down by itself and cause damage.

But a second opinion analysis by the Dutch Tree Foundation has shown that there exists no immediate danger of a collapse. The foundation and some of the neighbours start a lawsuit against the Amsterdam center district and the owner of the ground to save the tree.

The judge decides to check out the tree himself, causing a lot of consternation and press attention in the gardens behind the Anne Frank house. In the end the judge issued a temporary injunction stopping the removal of the tree.

The background reportage program Tagesthemen from the German public broadcaster ARD wants to cover the dispute about the tree that Anne Frank saw from her place of hiding and described in her famous diary.

For this reportage Featurez did the research, set-up and planning of the filming, booked a camera crew, did the direction and interviews and organised and accompanied the satellite transfer of the video footage.
