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November 2007
SRF Switzerland

The Anne Frank tree

The Anne Frank tree is the horse-chestnut tree in the inner garden behind the Anne Frank House in the centre of Amsterdam. A tree that featured in Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl. Anne Frank described the tree from the annex, the building where she and her family were hiding for the Nazis during the Second World War.

The tree is estimated between 150 and 170 years old, and for the past several years it has been battling both a fungus and a moth infestation. The council of the Amsterdam centre district declared that the tree will have to be to be cut down due to the risk that it could otherwise fall down and cause damage.

But a second opinion analysis by the Dutch Tree Foundation has shown that there exists no immediate danger of a collapse. The foundation and some of the neighbours start a lawsuit against the Amsterdam centre district and the owner of the ground to save the tree.

The news program from the Swiss public TV broadcaster Schweizer Fernsehen wants to cover the story and needs information and video footage.

For this production Featurez did footage research, organised footage from a Dutch reportage, organised and accompanied the satellite transfer of the video material and did the translations of the commentary and interviews.
