Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born Dutch-American writer, activist and former politician. She is a critic of Islam and advocate for the rights and self-determination of Muslim women, opposing forced marriage, honour killing, child marriage, and female genital mutilation. At the age of five, following… Read More
Client: SRF
Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) is a Swiss media company that was created on 1 January 2011 through the merger of Schweizer Radio DRS and Schweizer Fernsehen. The new corporate unit of SRG SSR thus became the largest electronic media company in German-speaking Switzerland. SRF has three main studios: one in Basel, one in Bern and one in Zurich.
After the Serbian ex-president Slobodan Milosevic died in the UN-jail in The Hague, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia loses its main suspect on trial. The world media gathers for days at the tribunal and rumours pop up that Milosevic was poisoned. For… Read More
The program ’10 vor 10’ from the Swiss public TV broadcaster Schweizer Fernsehen is producing an in-depth reportage for about the problems some Dutch Moroccans face in the Amsterdam Slotervaart neighbourhood where the murderer Mohammend B. of film director Theo Van Gogh lived and worked,… Read More
Since the murder on film director Theo van Gogh suddenly a new wave of Dutch citizens that want to emigrate to countries like Canada and Australia occurs. The motives: the Netherlands becomes to full, there is too much tension in society and a better economical… Read More
The Europe correspondent Hans Peter Stalder from the Swiss public TV channel Schweizer Fernsehen wants to investigate what happened in The Netherlands, after the brutal murder on the controversial moviemaker and columnist Theo van Gogh for the background reportage program ’10 vor 10’. His main… Read More
After the brutal assassination of the gay populist politician Pim Fortuyn and his party List Pim Fortuyn being ahead in the polls the Europe correspondent Hans Peter Stalder from the Swiss public TV channel Schweizer Fernsehen travels to the Netherlands to cover the Dutch national… Read More
It seems that the high Swiss taxes for foreign cheese will be lowered. The morning program from the Swiss public TV broadcaster Schweizer Fernsehen invites Swiss cheesemakers, -tasters and -experts to talk about and to taste domestic and foreign Emmentaler-like cheeses. Since the cheese specialists… Read More
After huge interest for the first Dutch prohibited dinner, now a last prohibited dinner is organised somewhere in The Netherlands. A secret dinner set-up by food-lovers and experimental ‘chefs de cuisine’. The forbidden dinner is a protest against clean and safe cooking and eating. All… Read More
Because the Dutch Lower house is debating a law proposal to legalise euthanasia a reporter from the Swiss public TV channel Schweizer Fernsehen travels to the Netherlands to film for a reportage for the news program Tagesschau. In the reportage Herbert Cohen, a family doctor… Read More
When Erna and Henk found out that they had bought a fake painting of Matisse in a well-respected gallery in Amsterdam, they decided they might as well start focusing on collecting fake paintings. In the former city hall of the village Fledder, Erna and Henk… Read More
During the preparation of EURO 2000, the European Football Championships in The Netherlands and Belgium, safety plays a big role. There is fear of the activities of the different hard core hooligan groups, especially in combination with the liberal Dutch culture, were soft and hard… Read More
When he saw Elton John singing at the funeral of Lady Di, he thought: ‘I am not a top-singer, but I can communicate feelings.’ For years Maurice from the Dutch city the Hague tried to become famous as a model and as a Chippendale. Now… Read More