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April 1996
ARD Europamagazin / Germany

Synthetic drugs in the Netherlands

Because of some deaths caused by synthetic drugs on the trendy gigantic house parties, the Dutch to state enforces conditions for the organisation of house parties. Besides demands on the availability of water, oxygen and professional advise, the Dutch authorities demands the presence of a first aid post and a synthetic drugs testing crew.

The test counter test pills, speed and other drugs on its ingredients. Apart from the preventive function through testing the pill-market can be monitored and a warning-flyers not to use a specific pill can be send around in no-time.

Thousands of visitors attend the Queens Day Rave in in the trade fair complex in Eindhoven to dance on loud Hard core so called Gabber house music with light and laser shows and loads of synthetic drugs. Both the Dutch preventive special agent of the dutch police and the head of the health department drop in to see the scene in practice. Interviews with the synthetic drugs testers and with the users.

Activities: propose subject, research, set-up and planning reportage, accompanying filming.
