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November 2007
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

Swiss protest against assisted dying

Since helping to die is legal in Switzerland a lot of foreigners travel to Switzerland to be helped to die. The neighbours of the locations where the dying takes place protest against the constant stream of corpses taken out in coffins. The organisations that helps people to die have to move location constantly and are often forced to hire a camper and assist the suicide along a road or deep in a forest.

In The Netherlands euthanasia is legalised, but it is has to be carried out by a doctor and through a set of rules and regulation it is only possible for Dutch inhabitants. The foreigners that contact the Dutch association of voluntary euthanasia are advised to go to Switzerland.

The reportage program ‘10 vor 10’ from the Swiss public TV channel Schweizer Fernsehen is producing a reportage about the protest in Switzerland and wants an interview with the managing director from the Dutch Association of Voluntary Euthanasia and some extra shots of the interviewee, organisation, exteriors and general views of Amsterdam.

For this reportage Featurez has done the research, set-up and planning of the interview, booked a cameraman, did the direction and interview and organised and accompanied the satellite transfer of the video material.
