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April 2018
Deutsche Welle / Germany

Shortage of Dutch millers

The craft of being a Dutch miller has been added to a Unesco cultural heritage list because of the skills involved and the key role millers have in transmitting cultural history. Unesco also points out that the Netherlands has implemented various measures to safeguard the craft and that and the Guild of Volunteer Millers, established in 1972, offers training and ongoing support to anyone interested in milling.

But over the last years there is a shortage of Dutch millers and volunteers to keep the windmills in shape and turning.

Deutsche Welle reporter Gunnar Köhne comes to the Netherlands to show how 16 year old Coen gets training from senior miller Henk. Miller Leen shows how his flourmill grinds wheat that is sold to local bakeries.

For this reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, set up and planning, organised drone footage, booked a rental car, did the filming and translations.

This reportage is published on the Featurez.com video page.
