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November 2017
BBC Alba

Prostitution in the Netherlands

In 2000 the Dutch prostitution branch became fully legal after the brothel ban was lifted. What is the status of the Dutch sex branch that has been fully legalized for almost 20 years and more importantly how is it for a sex worker to run a business?

The authorities and media often paint a gloomy picture of criminality, forced prostitution and human trafficking, but is this really true? Or is the profession still suffering from the old negative stigma. The Scottish reportage program for Gaelic speakers wants to produce a 30 minute reportage about the actual status of the Dutch prostitution branch.

In the Amsterdam red light district various sex workers, window renters and a member from the sex workers lobby organisation Proud are portrayed and interviewed. In Utrecht a sex worker and het lawyer are interviewed about the closure of the Utrecht red light district.

In Utrecht also sex workers and coordinators of the street prostitution zone explain why this is such an important facility for addicted sex workers. Also the mayor of Utrecht is interviewed about the restrictive policy and about why they plan to close down the street prostitution and why the planned new red light district still does not exist.

Apart from this also a scientist and writer about prostitution, a Christian member of parliament, a sex workers client and a the director of the association of brothels are interviewed.

For this extensive reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, setup and planning of the filming, booked a rental van, did the driving, accompanied the filming did the interviews and translations of the interviews.
