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May 2002
ABC / Australia

Pim Fortuyn assassinated

On 6 May 2002, at age 54, populist gay politician Pim Fortuyn is assassinated by gunshot in Hilversum, North Holland, by Volkert van der Graaf. The attack took place in a car park outside a public radio studio where Fortuyn had just given an interview.

The murder takes place just nine days before the general Dutch elections, in which Fortuyn is running. The attacker was pursued by Fortuyn’s driver Hans Smolders, and was arrested by the police shortly afterward, still in possession of a handgun.

After this brutal assassination the Dutch are in shock.

The Australian public TV broadcaster ABC News report on the assassination and need help.

For this production Featurez did research, set-up, organised interviews and booked a hotel room.
