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October 2013
The Japan Broadcasting Corporation

OPCW receives Nobel peace prize

It suddenly turns out that not the Pakistani Malala Yousafzai will receive the Nobel peace prize 2013, but the OPCW, the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons, which has its headquarters in The Hague, the Netherlands.

At a press conference the Nobel committee states that the OPCW won the Nobel peace price. After this the OPCW director-general Ahmet Üzümcü gives a press conference in the Bel Air Hotel in The Hague, just besides the headquarters of the OPCW.

NHK Europe correspondent Takashi Ichinose reports on location, interviews OPCW delegates about the surprising news, does some stand-ups and covers the press conference.

For this news reportage Featurez gave advice, the research, set-up and planning, did the filming and audio, coordinates the live stand-up and transfers the video material to Tokyo.
