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November 1995

Naturalisation course for new Dutch citizens

An ARD Tagesthemen news reportage about the obliged course for new Dutch citizens in how to live and behave in the Dutch society. A group of Turkish, Moroccan, Portuguese, Iranian and Iraqi newcomers get a combination of classroom lessons and learn the Dutch society in practice in society.

How does the Dutch society work? In rainy and windy Rotterdam the newcomers get a tour along a job centre, an education center, an immigrants centre, the city hall, public transport and other important buildings in Rotterdam. Including a frightening climb to the very windy top of the 185 meter high Euromast.

Some of the subjects in the course: bike-riding, Dutch money, the weather, how to shake hands and when and how to kiss somebody in the Netherlands, traffic-jams, the bombing of Rotterdam in the Second World War, the Queen, housing, healthcare and the customs.

Dutch people are straight, hospitable, but also attached to privacy. They drink a lot of coffee, live clockwise and are strict in planning. So, always make an appointment when you want to visit a Dutchman. Diner is at 6 o’clock and when visiting the Dutch: take a bunch of flowers. The course ends with a drink in a typical Dutch café.

Activities: propose item idea, research, set-up, planning and accompany filming.
