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June 1997
ARD Weltspiegel

Legalising euthanasia

In the Netherlands Euthanasia is tolerated, accepted and not so much a taboo as in Germany. When will a law be ready? How is euthanasia carried out in the Netherlands? Why are so many doctors too afraid to report euthansia?

Rens Potters is very sick and he does not have a long time to live. He is in favor of euthanasia, but is nursed in a Christian dying home. He has to be transported home when he wants euthansia. Rens explains why the euthanasia option is so important for him.

The Dutch Association of Voluntarily Euthanasia and the Death-wish Foundation, an organisation accompanying people in the dying process, give their views. The end of the story is the funeral of Rens. In a canal canal boat his coffin is transported over the Amsterdam canals to his last resting-place.

Activities: research, set up & planning, direction and interviews.
