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April 2008
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

Interview about allegation Carla del Ponte

Carla Del Ponte, the ex-chief prosecutor for war crimes in former Yugoslavia, has unleashed a storm of recrimination with allegations of a trade in human body parts in Kosovo and Albania after Nato bombed Serbia in 1999 in her book ‘Me and War criminals, The Hunt’.

Del Ponte claims, based on what she describes as credible reports and witnesses, that Kosovan Albanian guerrillas transported hundreds of Serbian prisoners into northern Albania where they were killed, and their organs “harvested” and trafficked out of Tirana airport.

After the publication of ‘Me and War criminals, The Hunt’ the Swiss public TV program ’10 vor 10′ needs an interview with a Swiss judge working at the Tribunal for ex-Yugoslavia about the mentioning of the illegal transplantation of organs of Serbs prisoners.

For this background reportage Featurez organised the interview, booked a camera crew, did the direction and interview and accompanied the satellite transfer of the video material.
