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December 2015
BBC Alba

Innovation in Dutch elderly care

Over the last years Dutch innovative initiatives in elderly care attracted worldwide attention. The BBC Scotland program Eorpa produces a background reportage about the phenomena and covers three different innovations.

An old people’s home from Humanitas in Deventer offers free housing for students in exchange for 30 hours of assistance per month to bring the energy of younger generations in the centre.

Hogeweyk, a nursing home for people suffering from dementia in Weesp, created a closed village like complex where the residents can freely move around. There is a supermarket, restaurant, café, theatre, hairdresser and other shops. The residents live in life style group apartments where the interior and way of living corresponds with their cultural background.

Buurtzorg (Neighbourhood care) is a totally decentralised national home care organisation of district nurses without any managers and planners. Small local teams manage themselves with the use of innovative IT applications. The care organisation is so successful that it is introduced everywhere in the world.

For this reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up and planning of the filming, booked a rental van and did the driving, accompanied the filming, did the interviews and translations.
