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August 2022
ARD Europamagazin / Germany

Hydrogen, the future of energy

Transmission of a ARD documenatry about the future of hydrogen. In future, green hydrogen is to be produced on platforms in the North Sea, where gas and oil are still being extracted today. Will hydrogen get Europe out of the energy crisis?

In order to produce large quantities of hydrogen, the EU is supporting projects in African countries such as Namibia, Mauritania and Morocco. In this way, the EU wants to create prospects in these countries, make coal-fired power plants superfluous thanks to green energy and ultimately benefit from renewable energy supplies itself. Calculations show that there is enough sun, wind and above all space in many African countries to replace large parts of fossil energy in Europe with green hydrogen in the long term.

Until now, hydrogen production has always been considered too complex and too expensive. However, climate change and war demand new and, above all, fast solutions.

This documentary is published on the video page.

