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March 2017
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

Geert Wilders superstar

In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders, one of the toughest opponents of Islam in Europe, will maybe soon be the winner of the Dutch elections. In the polls his party is just behind the Dutch liberal party VVD of prime minister Mark Rutte. Why succeeds this lone wolf and extreme right politician to inspiring so many Dutchmen?

For the background program SRF Rundschau SRF Europe correspondent Sebastian Ramspeck visits the Netherlands to find out.

Sebastian shortly interviews Geert Wilders, some of his followers and by standers at a rally, he follows a debate and interviews participants of an Amsterdam migrant organisation and he interviews Wilders specialist Meindert Fennema.

For this production Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up, and planning, accompanied the filming, did an interview and audio.
