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September 2008
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

Free school choice

In Switzerland parents receive a letter that tells them where their child will go to school. In the Netherlands parents are free to decide to which school their child will go to. Sometimes this leads to Dutch schools with a majority of native or migrant pupils. Dutch schools can decide to select by postcode, so local children get a preferential treatment.

A Swiss mother decided to put her children on a school in another neighborhood, because the local school had too many migrant pupils. In the end she doubts if the local school nearby would not have been a better option.

The Europe correspondent Christoph Nufer from Swiss public TV wants to produce a reportage about the free school choice in the Netherlands for the background reportage program ’10 vor 10’.

For this production Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up and planning and accompanied the filming.
