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April 1996
ARD Weltspiegel

Exhibition ‘In the midst of our life, we are in death’

A reportage about an exhibition on death in society called ‘In the midst of life, we are in death’, in the gallery of the Amsterdam art society ‘Arti et Amicitiae’.

Curator Harry Heyink: ‘Obviously death plays a vital role in art, but in this exhibition we put the emphasis on the funeral in society. At the moment we have a trend in the Netherlands using the funeral itself as a medium.’

Disciplines like philosophers, writers, architects and other kind of artists exhibit in the gallery. A few examples: modern coffins and shrouds, death poems, concepts for new funeral rituals, futuristic death carriages, new designs for graveyards and crematoriums, new mourning hats and a wide variety of funeral art. Practical creations in a time where death is still a taboo.

Activities: propose idea for item, research, setup and planning, direction & interviews.
