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October 2000
Deutsche Welle / Germany

Europols’ fight against childporn

In a large-scale joint operation, Italian and Russian police have arrested 11 members (eight Italians and three Russians) of an international child pornography network that traded videos of violence, torture and murder of children on the internet.

The videos were sold to customers in Germany, the US, Italy and Russia. Italian state television and Russian news agency Interfax reported this yesterday. More than 600 people have been searched, and 1,700 suspects are under investigation.

The Brussels and Moscow bureaus from the German satellite broadcaster Deutsche Welle is reporting about the case and needs interviews with specialists at the Child porn Unit of Europol in The Hague about the fight against child porn.

For this production Featurez did the research, set-up and planning of the filming, booked a camera crew and did the direction and the interviews and organised the shipment of the video material by courier.
