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January 2013
MDR / Germany

Dutch Queen announces resignation

Suddenly it becomes clear that Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands will resign in favour of her son, Prince Willem-Alexander this year. In a prerecorded address broadcast on TV, she said she will formally stand down on 30 April this year.

The Queen, who is approaching her 75th birthday, said she had been thinking about her resignation for several years and that she decided that this year will be “the moment to lay down my crown”.

Queen Beatrix has been head of state since 1980, when her mother abdicated. In the short televised statement, the Queen said it was time for the throne to be held by “a new generation”, adding that her son was ready to be King.

The German public TV programs ARD Nachtmagazin, ARD Morgenmagazin, ARD Mittagsmagazin, ARD Brisant, ARD Tagesschau, ARD Tagesthemen and ARD Nachtmagazin cover this historic moment.

For these reportages Featurez gave advice, did research, booked a camera crew, did direction and interviews, accompanied the satellite feed and live stand-ups.
