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March 2017
The Japan Broadcasting Corporation

Dutch national elections

The Japanese public broadcaster NHK is covering the Dutch national elections profoundly. In a so-called 100 minute program Dutch society and culture is investigated intensively. Besides filming for this program extra reportages are produced about the rise extreme right in the Netherlands, about Wilders voters, Dutch Moroccans and about the problems in Dutch elderly care.

In the election week extra reportages are produced in The Hague. On election day Wilders is filmed during his vote and several live stand-up’s are transferred besides the Dutch parliament in the Hague during the day, evening and following night. The morning after the elections commuters on the The Hague central station give their views about the election results.

For these news reportages and stand ups Featurez gave advice, did research, setup and planning, accompanied filming, did driving, translations, interviews and filming and audio.
