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July 2005
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

Dutch Moroccan youngsters

The program ’10 vor 10’ from the Swiss public TV broadcaster Schweizer Fernsehen is producing an in-depth reportage for about the problems some Dutch Moroccans face in the Amsterdam Slotervaart neighbourhood where the murderer Mohammend B. of film director Theo Van Gogh lived and worked, just before he is sentenced.

The main question to answer in the reportage is how it is possible that Mohammend B. on one hand committed himself to society and showed initiative, had plans for community centre, and did volunteer work and helped elderly people and on the other hand suddenly turned into a violent and brutal killer? How is it with the Moroccan youth in Amsterdam West. What is wrong with them? Is there a lot of extremism?

Already way before the brutal murder of Van Gogh some Dutch Moroccans decided to set-up a project to re-socialise and help young Dutch Moroccans to future education or a job. The initiative is called And Now Something Positive. One of the mentors explains what the problems are young Dutch Moroccans face and how their project works.

A young Dutch Moroccan city councillor Mourad Taimounti gives his views and a coordinator of so called neighbourhood directors from the local police gives a tour through his district to explain what problems the youngsters face and what is done and should be done about it.

For this background reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up, planning and accompanied the filming and did translations.
