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November 2004
Spiegel TV / Germany

Dutch film director Theo van Gogh murdered

On the morning of the 2nd of November, the controversial film director and columnist Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered in the middle of a street in the West of Amsterdam.

One of the last projects of Van Gogh was the film Submission, written by Somali-born Dutch activist and member of parliament Ayaan Hirsi Ali. In this film veiled women actresses are talking about the abuse and mistreatment in the name of Islam.

After this film came out both Hirsi Ali and Van Gogh received death threats. Another film Van Gogh was working on is called 0605, the 6th of May 2002, the day that the also controversial Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn was killed.

A crew from the German television production company Spiegel TV rush to the Netherlands for a reportage about the murder, on the murder location, in a local mosque where a commemoration gathering is organised and in the neighbourhood in the west of Amsterdam where the suspected killer lived.

For this reportage Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up and planning, accompanied the filming and did street interviews.
