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June 2013
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

Down side of the Dutch immigration policy

Switzerland is reforming its system to handle asylum seekers and it is using the Dutch system as an example.

On the 1 of July 2013 Dutch deputy minister Fred Teeven will present changes to the asylum seekers system. He is forced to do so because of the outcry of some hopeless refugees that are exhausted of all legal procedures and the bureaucratic mistakes resulting in the suicide of Russian detained political refugee Alexander Dolmatov.

Also the Board of Europe, the UN and the Dutch Ombudsman have criticised the Dutch for its asylum seekers policy that is far too restrictive and inhuman. Some detained refugees in a Dutch deportation centre started a hunger strike to ask attention for the hopeless situation they are in. Outside the deportation centres demonstrators give support stating that deportation should be stopped, and that there should be no borders and nations.

SRF 10 vor 10 requests help to find some current Dutch background reportages.

For this assignment Featurez did research to find Dutch reportages, to organise the video footage and to translate the Dutch interviews and comments.
