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July 2020
ARD Weltspiegel

Cocaine flooding Rotterdam and Antwerp harbours

Over the last years the intercepted shipments of cocaine in the harbours of Rotterdam and Antwerp seriously increased in number and in quantity. German Europe correspondent Michael Grytz from TV public channel ARD wants to find out what is happening at the Antwerp and Rotterdam harbours, who is behind the smuggling and what measures are taken against this serious increase.

Belgian drug investigators are sounding the alarm: more cocaine is being smuggled into Europe than ever before, and Antwerp’s harbour is considered one of the most important transhipment points. And the drug mafia is openly challenging the state authorities.

In the Netherlands the brother and the lawyer of a crown witness in the Marengo liquidations trial are killed. Ridouan T., the Dutch criminal that possibly gave the order for the assassinations, is arrested in Dubai. Also an arson attempt was being made at the headquarters of Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf.

Crime journalist Mick van Wely from De Telegraaf gives his views about the cocaine trade and explains how the Dutch criminals are organised and how liquidations are organised. The head of the Belgium customs explains how difficult it is to check the millions of containers that are processed in the harbour of Antwerp.

For this reportage production Featurez gave advice, has set up, planned and accompanied the filming and researched and organised archive footage.

This ARD Weltspiegel reportage is published on the video page.
