For ages the Amsterdam Taxi Service (TCA) had the monopoly of exploiting the cabs in Amsterdam. It was only the TCA that could give out the hyper expensive licences for cab drivers in Amsterdam. After a change in law new taxi companies appear on the… Read More
Service: setup & planning
After an okay on the approach and planning Featurez sets up and plans your filming days from minute to minute. The progress on the research and setup will be reported to you regularly, rounded up with a sound and extensive ‘Featurez Filming Agenda’ with all times, needed data and information. Apart from this (post) story production gets special attention by informing the story contacts on progress, broadcasting dates, and sending around video links or DVD’s with the final product.
The ‘Wadden zee’ is one of the largest tide regions in the world and a crossroads of many different migration routes of millions of different birds. But there is also around 20 billion cubic meters of gas under the Wadden sea. The largest untapped gas… Read More
In the Dutch city Maastricht the currency and the further integration of the European Union was established. A visit to celebrate the first universary of the Euro. Over the years the city transformed from a poor old industrial city into a modern booming knowledge centre,… Read More
Worldwide holland is known for its advanced systems in educating young fooball talent. Since the well-known ‘Bosman arrest’ the mature Dutch players are leaving the Dutch league for the money and the fame to countries like Spain, England and Italy. The Dutch football clubs are… Read More
Background reportage on Hooliganism in Holland . How is Holland , with its notorius past, preparing for the European Football championships in 2000. The special unit, the mayor and the hooligans themsevles. Will it be war between nations? Activities: research & set up reportage, accompanying… Read More
More than 1750 people reacted on the request from the Dutch commercial broadcaster Veronica for the TV-program ‘Big Brother’. In this program 8 voluntarily participants will be locked-in a house. They are not allowed to have contact to the out-side world for the 3 months… Read More
Since the beginning of this month Dinxperlo, a village on the Germany-Dutch border, has a world scoop: the first international police station. The idea was born through necessity: the police station of Dinxperlo should be closed because of cuts and the police station of the… Read More
Since it is getting more and more difficult in Holland to find good personne and people jump form job to job, these days companies that wants to keep its employees have to pay a huge salaries. Even the free car, shares, a free mobile phone… Read More
The employment agency 65+ has hundreds of retired people at It’s disposal. Active elderly with a lot of work experience and wisdom. From highly gifted professors to simple everyday people. Elderly people are still very well employable. They have a lot of advantages: very flexible… Read More
Because of the high exploitation costs and the lack of any financial help, the world famous tattoo cult figure Henk Schiffmacher, also known as Hanky Panky, decided to close down the Amsterdam Tattoo Museum and stop the Amsterdam Tattoo Convention. A huge aid-movement arises to… Read More
Every morning at nine the ‘Vondelpark’ in Amsterdam is filled with roaring and howling sounds for ten minutes. Than it gets quiet. Only the fountain splashes. More and more people join the daily laugh-meditation in the Amsterdam ‘Vondelpark’. How to laugh your problems away. Activities:… Read More
Since 8 years the Dive Holland Clean Foundation organises clean sweeps of the city canals in The Netherlands. What started as a small initiative now grew into an enormous happening where literally thousands of divers clean kilometers of canal grounds throughout Holland attracting ten-thousands of… Read More