After England and France, the Netherlands is the third European country that is struck by the devastating foot & mouth disease. The Netherlands is a small country, but is the world’s second largest exporter of agricultural products, with hyper-intensive livestock farming. Pig density is spectacular:… Read More
Service: setup & planning
After an okay on the approach and planning Featurez sets up and plans your filming days from minute to minute. The progress on the research and setup will be reported to you regularly, rounded up with a sound and extensive ‘Featurez Filming Agenda’ with all times, needed data and information. Apart from this (post) story production gets special attention by informing the story contacts on progress, broadcasting dates, and sending around video links or DVD’s with the final product.
After it becomes clear that the Dutch heir of the throne prince Willem Alexander is engaged to the Argentinian blonde Maxima Zorreguieta, it also came out that her father Jorge Zorreguieta has been an important Minister during the dictatorship of the Jorge Rafael Videla regime…. Read More
Help, the elderly are coming! The steadily swelling army of elderly people threatens to undermine the financial stability of the European Union in the coming decades. Already, four working Europeans together have to provide the pension of one other European. In 30 years, if nothing… Read More
Immediately after the May 13, 2000 fireworks disaster in Enschede, the municipality of Enschede, the province of Overijssel and the Dutch state jointly decided to conduct an independent investigation. On May 26, the Fireworks Disaster Investigation Committee was installed. How could the disaster happen, who… Read More
Philips plunged deep into the red. The electronics group posted a loss of 2.6 billion euros, the largest loss in the company’s history. Philips announced that the sales fell 15 percent to 32.3 billion euros. The news program Tagesschau from the German public broadcaster ARD… Read More
Because of the lack of space the Dutch come up with a revolutionary plan for new farming. The so called agro production park’s should be situated in Industrial areas near cities and harbours. On different levels all kinds of farming activities should be combined, so… Read More
On the 1st of October 2000 the Dutch Brothel ban was lifted. Dutch brothels became legal business and prostitutes entrepreneurs. The big question is: does it work? Reporter Angelica Fell from the German second broadcaster ZDF program Mona Lisa travels to the Netherlands for the… Read More
After huge interest for the first Dutch prohibited dinner, now a last prohibited dinner is organised somewhere in The Netherlands. A secret dinner set-up by food-lovers and experimental ‘chefs de cuisine’. The forbidden dinner is a protest against clean and safe cooking and eating. All… Read More
In 1975 and 1977 Dutch Moluccans hijacked trains and a school many people were taken hostage. At the time the hijackers were fighting for their own state. The hijackings ended with shelling by the a special assistance unit, followed by a violent assault by the… Read More
Because the Dutch Lower house is debating a law proposal to legalise euthanasia a reporter from the Swiss public TV channel Schweizer Fernsehen travels to the Netherlands to film for a reportage for the news program Tagesschau. In the reportage Herbert Cohen, a family doctor… Read More
After 58 dead bodies of Chinese immigrants were found in a lorry in the port town of Dover, United Kingdom on 18 June 2000, reporter Michael Heussen travels to the Netherlands to film for a reportage about the smuggling of Chinese people to England for… Read More
Doctors in The Netherlands help thousands of people to die each year. Because the Dutch Lower house discusses a law proposal to legalise euthanasia under strict conditions, a BBC reporter travels to the Netherlands to film for a reportage about euthanasia. The mother of Nelleke… Read More