What happened to the tolerant culture in The Netherlands after Theo van Gogh was killed. Where did it go wrong and where will it go to? Who was film director Theo van Gogh and why was he killed. The news program from the French first… Read More
Service: setup & planning
After an okay on the approach and planning Featurez sets up and plans your filming days from minute to minute. The progress on the research and setup will be reported to you regularly, rounded up with a sound and extensive ‘Featurez Filming Agenda’ with all times, needed data and information. Apart from this (post) story production gets special attention by informing the story contacts on progress, broadcasting dates, and sending around video links or DVD’s with the final product.
The American school broadcaster Channel One wants to know what the Dutch youngsters think about George W. Bush and his foreign policy. Interviews with young Dutch students, skaters and young tourists visiting a grand cafe in Amsterdam. For this reportage Featurez did the research, set-up… Read More
The start of the first pro forma trial of Mohammed B., the suspect of the murder on Dutch film director Theo van Gogh, starts in the highly secured court in Amsterdam with the nickname ‘The Bunker’. For the reportage program Tagesthemen from the German first… Read More
Portrait of a young Iraqi women living in The Netherlands on the day she votes for the Iraqi elections in Rotterdam. The video material is used for a documentary compiled from footage gathered on the different ‘out of country voting’ locations in the world. For… Read More
After months of absence caused by death threats, the Dutch Somalian politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali arrives back in the Dutch parliament. A huge media hype arises. For reportages for Europamagazin and Weltspiegel from the first German public TV broadcaster ARD need footage from the arrival… Read More
A portrait of a Dutch military veteran before and during the ceremonial funeral service of Prince Bernard. Hundreds of old veterans gather in large sleeping halls in the Feyenoord football statium in Rotterdam the night before the funeral. The next day they veterans have breakfast… Read More
The Dutch city Venlo decided to finally execute the plan to create a drive-in coffee shop at the German – Dutch border to fight the annoyance of especially German drug tourists in the centre of town. The Dutch Minister of Justice is not very happy… Read More
The Europe correspondent Hans Peter Stalder from the Swiss public TV channel Schweizer Fernsehen wants to investigate what happened in The Netherlands, after the brutal murder on the controversial moviemaker and columnist Theo van Gogh for the background reportage program ’10 vor 10’. His main… Read More
After the brutal murder on the controversial film director and columnist Theo van Gogh, the Dutch society is in a shock. Islamic schools and mosques burn down and around the murder site people of all kinds of cultural backgrounds are debating constantly. The background reportage… Read More
On the morning of the 2nd of November, the controversial film director and columnist Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered in the middle of a street in the West of Amsterdam. One of the last projects of Van Gogh was the film Submission, written by… Read More
A British Airways airplane is escorted to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport by Dutch fighter jets after phone calls came in warning for a bomb on the plane. BBC news wants an interview with the Amsterdam airport Schiphol authorities. For this production Featurez did research, set-up and… Read More
How is the European ‘war on terrorism’ going? What is the effect on the Muslim communities in Europe? What are the deeper tensions that surround Islam’s growing importance in Europe? Is there a new face of militant Islam in Europe after the Madrid attacks? For… Read More