

October 2009
The Austrian Broadcasting Corporation

In 2000 the Dutch city of Utrecht started with a new approach to deal with large number of homeless people and the problems it causes. The Utrecht city hall stimulated cooperation between all the different departments and organisations that are involved in helping and handling… Read More

October 2009
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

The Swiss are discussing to introduce a logo so consumers can see if a food product is healthy or not. In the Netherlands a consumer logo to indicate that food is health with the name ‘choose consciously’ is already implemented a while ago. The background… Read More

September 2009

Because of huge overpopulation and the rise of the number of suicides in French jails, a TV crew from TF1 news travels to the Netherlands and to Belgium to check out the jail systems in these two European states and how they work in practice…. Read More

July 2009
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

For the summer season Swiss reportage program ’10 vor 10′ asks Europe correspondent Christoph Nufer to make a portrait of Oswalt Kolle. The German sex educator, who became famous in the 1960s for his books and films on human sexuality. His work was translated into… Read More

June 2009
SRF Switzerland

After it becomes clear that Switzerland has to reorganise its health care system because the system does not have the incentives to save money, reporter Reto Gerber from the economic program Eco from the Swiss public TV channel Schweizer Fernsehen, travels to the Netherlands to… Read More

June 2009
CBC / Canada
Cogent Benger / Canada

There is a bicycle revolution going on. Cities in North America have suddenly begun to provide cyclists with facilities (bike lanes, secure lock-ups, etc.) and are looking at Public Bike systems for their citizens. The Canadian documentary production company Cogent Benger Productions Inc. produces a… Read More

May 2009

Preceding the European elections the first German public TV channel ARD makes a tour through the neighbouring countries to measure the European political temperature. The tour ends in Amsterdam. The evening program Tagesthemen broadcasts live from the centre of Amsterdam. Dutch historian, writer and documentary… Read More

May 2009

Preceding the European elections the first German public TV channel ARD makes a tour through the neighboring countries to measure the European political temperature. The tour ends in Amsterdam. The morning program Morgenmagazin broadcasts live from the Amstel river in the centre of Amsterdam. A… Read More

May 2009
SRF Switzerland
SRF 10vor10

Is the new generation in danger of being lost in Rotterdam. Has the city become a ticking time bomb? The city is largely dependent on its port and the collapse of world trade in the wake of the economic crisis is taking a heavy toll… Read More

May 2009
ZDF / Germany

German prosecutors claim that John Demjanjuk served as a Nazi guard at the Sobibor death camp in present-day Poland between March and late September 1943. In the current attempt to bring him to justice, Munich prosecutors applied for the warrant based on a document from… Read More

April 2009
MDR / Germany

This year the city Apeldoorn is chosen by Queen Beatrix to visit during the celebration of the Dutch traditional Queens Day. The Queen and her family arrive at the Oranje park and walk around to see all the culture, hobbies, sports, and crafts presented by… Read More

April 2009
ARD Europamagazin / Germany

After the collapse of the city archive in Cologne caused by the construction of a new underground railway line, the program Europamagzin from the German public TV channel ARD sends a reporter to the Netherlands to interview a specialised engineer and two inhabitants of some… Read More


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