

January 2013
The Japan Broadcasting Corporation

The Dutch start the transport of Patriot missiles systems to Turkey for the NATO protection of the cities close to the border of Syria. The Turkish government asked for extra NATO protection because over the last months some missiles have landed in Turkey causing damage… Read More

December 2012
SRF Switzerland

In the Netherlands there are insect farms where grasshoppers, crickets and all kinds of worms are produced. According to Arnold van Huis, a professor at the laboratory of entomology at the Wageningen University, the world population is expected to hit 9 billion by 2050, and… Read More

November 2012

Steve Jobs‘ yacht was unveiled in a Dutch shipyard, where the unusual boat designed by Jobs and famed minimalist designer Philippe Starck, was christened “Venus,” after the Roman goddess of love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and victory. The finished ship was launched at shipbuilder Koninklijke… Read More

October 2012

In Germany a congress is organised about the security in hospitals against resistant bacteria and viruses. The German public TV reportage program Tagesthemen wants to find out how the Dutch are protecting patients and hospital personnel against antibiotics resistant bacteria. It turns out that washing… Read More

October 2012
France 3 / France
MD Productions / France

France’s minister for women is to organise a consultation on ways to abolish prostitution in France and in Europe, she has told the Guardian. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, the high profile women’s rights minister and government spokeswoman, said in an interview that she would be organising a… Read More

September 2012
The Austrian Broadcasting Corporation

On the 12th of September, the day of the Dutch national elections, Austrians public TV Europe correspondent Ernst Kernmeyer covers the vote and the outcome itself. Since the Dutch vote with the red pencil, it takes till 3 o’clock at night before it is definite… Read More

September 2012

On the last day before the Dutch national elections Euronews visits Amsterdam to find out how the Dutch are thinking about the political future of the country and of the European Union. A bicycle repairman, clients of a traditional cafe and a cheese vendor on… Read More

September 2012
ARD Europamagazin / Germany

The new Dutch austerity measures also include serious spending cuts in the youth care branch. In Rotterdam the company Sagenn lost all its subsidies, and according to the personnel it is not if, but when things will go horribly wrong with some of the youngsters… Read More

September 2012
The Japan Broadcasting Corporation

On the last weekend before the Dutch national elections the party leaders hit the streets again to campaign, meet the Dutch voters and to show give interviews to national and international media. The leader of the social democrat party PvdA Diederik Samsom visits Utrecht. During… Read More

September 2012
RSI / Switzerland

With less than 10 days to go before the Dutch national elections, the Swiss Italian correspondent from Brussels visits the Netherlands to check out how the Dutch see yet another moment to elect a new government. It will be the 5th government in 5 years… Read More

August 2012
Mmpro / Germany
Vattenfall ? Sweden

At the shipyard of the Dutch steel construction company Hollandia an enormous platform needs to be assembled for the Energy company Vattenfall. The platform needs to hold the transformers for yet another off shore wind park. For the last phase of the process the base… Read More

August 2012
The Japan Broadcasting Corporation

In Rotterdam, ‘the city of Pim Fortuyn’, the PVV kicks off its campaign for the upcoming national Dutch elections. Surrounded by an army of security guards- and accompanied by the song ‘The eye of the tiger’ Geert Wilders makes his appearance and clearly expresses his… Read More


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