For some time the German economy is not doing so well. The German government wants to stimulate people with social security to take simple low paid part time jobs by giving them serious tax benefits. Through this measure the German authorities expect to create hundred… Read More
Service: direction & interviews
In close collaboration Featurez can book a high- quality camera crew and direct the filming for you, including news- or in-depth interviews. The progress on the set-up will be reported to you regularly and the complete and well-cared-for ‘footage’ will be delivered to you via FTP- or satellite feed, accompanied with all the needed story data and -information, and translations when needed.
War criminal Dirk Hoogendam alias ‘The Boxer’ was sentenced to death by the court in the Dutch town Assen after World War II for several violent assaults and batteries and participating in foreign military service. The sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment. However, Dirk… Read More
After England, France and The Netherlands, Germany is the fourth country in Europe that is struck by the devastating foot & mouth disease. The Dutch Agriculture Minister declared strict measures to prevent the highly contagious livestock virus foot-and-mouth disease from spreading around the Netherlands and… Read More
In January 2001, the Serbian authorities placed Slobodan Milošević under round-the-clock police surveillance in Belgrade, and began investigating allegations that he had misused state funds and abused his office. When it comes out that Milošević is put in a Serbian prison and that he is… Read More
On the 1st of October 2000 the Dutch Brothel ban was lifted. Dutch brothels became legal business and prostitutes entrepreneurs. The big question is: does it work? Reporter Angelica Fell from the German second broadcaster ZDF program Mona Lisa travels to the Netherlands for the… Read More
After huge interest for the first Dutch prohibited dinner, now a last prohibited dinner is organised somewhere in The Netherlands. A secret dinner set-up by food-lovers and experimental ‘chefs de cuisine’. The forbidden dinner is a protest against clean and safe cooking and eating. All… Read More
In 1975 and 1977 Dutch Moluccans hijacked trains and a school many people were taken hostage. At the time the hijackers were fighting for their own state. The hijackings ended with shelling by the a special assistance unit, followed by a violent assault by the… Read More
In a large-scale joint operation, Italian and Russian police have arrested 11 members (eight Italians and three Russians) of an international child pornography network that traded videos of violence, torture and murder of children on the internet. The videos were sold to customers in Germany,… Read More
During the European Football championships 2000 the Netherlands and their football fans turn completely orange. The Dutch national colour. The program Europamagazin from the German public broadcaster ARD produce a reportage about the orange mania. The owner of an orange café and his orange customers… Read More
In the nursing home for people suffering from dementia Hogeweyk in the Dutch town Weesp, the inhabitants stay as independent as possible. They are treated as individuals that should have fun in the last phase of their life. Nothing in Hogeweyk is like life in… Read More
Water is often called the new oil of the future. While the world population is growing, the quantity of drinking water is decreasing. During the World Water Forum in The Hague 5700 participants deliberate over the use and the distribution of drinking water. The event… Read More
he parliamentary inquiry into the Bijlmer disaster is set up in response to the Bijlmer disaster in which an ELAL cargo plane crashed into an apartment building in Amsterdam’s Bijlmermeer district on the 4th of October 1992.This plane crash killed at least 43 people. After… Read More