On the 1st of October 2000 the Dutch Brothel ban was lifted. Dutch brothels became legal business and prostitutes entrepreneurs. The big question is: does it work? Reporter Angelica Fell from the German second broadcaster ZDF program Mona Lisa travels to the Netherlands for the… Read More
Service: book camera crew
Featurez has a network with a wide variety of freelance camera- and sound people, editors and drone operators.
During the European Football championships 2000 the Netherlands and their football fans turn completely orange. The Dutch national colour. The program Europamagazin from the German public broadcaster ARD produce a reportage about the orange mania. The owner of an orange café and his orange customers… Read More
In the nursing home for people suffering from dementia Hogeweyk in the Dutch town Weesp, the inhabitants stay as independent as possible. They are treated as individuals that should have fun in the last phase of their life. Nothing in Hogeweyk is like life in… Read More
The Enschede fireworks disaster took place on Saturday 13 May 2000 in the Dutch city of Enschede. A warehouse containing fireworks from the company S.E. Fireworks caught fire and eventually exploded. There were 23 deaths, including four firefighters, about 950 people were injured and 200… Read More
While ten orange Dutch fans from the east of The Netherlands take their crazy orange bus to see the test match Holland-Germany in the Amsterdam Arena stadium, the Dutch and German police is preparing a test to see if all measures work and equipment is… Read More
For ages the Amsterdam Taxi Service (TCA) had the monopoly of exploiting the cabs in Amsterdam. It was only the TCA that could give out the hyper expensive licences for cab drivers in Amsterdam. After a change in law new taxi companies appear on the… Read More
Since 8 years the Dive Holland Clean Foundation organises clean sweeps of the city canals in The Netherlands. What started as a small initiative now grew into an enormous happening where literally thousands of divers clean kilometers of canal grounds throughout Holland attracting ten-thousands of… Read More
On the 4th of October 2002 an ELAL Cargo plane crashed on an apartment block complex in the Amsterdam neighbourhood of Bijlmermeer. Apart from mistakes in the handling of the aftermath of the catastrophe, it also came out that the plane was carrying military goods… Read More
The official publicaiotn of the Dictionary of the Dutch language (WNT). Fourty enormous books with around 400.000 words. The Dutch language is discribed from the year 1500 till 1921. In the dictionary articles 1,6 million quotes are used. The WTN has 45.805 pages and is… Read More