The Japanese public broadcaster NHK is covering the upcoming Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom extensively. They produce both a documentary as background- and news reportages. Apart from reporting from the UK, NHK is also visiting Denmark and the Netherlands, because both countries are known… Read More
Service: accompanying filming
Featurez offers dedicated and all-round accompaniment. We take care that filming happens smoothly, and that both crew and people in the field are happy. We can drive a rental car or van, give advice, translate, do Dutch interviews when necessary, and ‘shoot the trouble’ when needed.
People in the Netherlands and Germany are becoming more and more worried about the bad state of the two Belgian nuclear power plants in the cities Tihange and Doel. Together with the German city Aachen, the Dutch city Maastricht even started a court case to… Read More
On June 23 a referendum will be held the United Kingdom to decide if it will leave the European Union. French senior international correspondent Guillaume Debre from the first French TV channel TF1 visits the Dutch city Maastricht to find out how Euro sceptic the… Read More
The Euronews program Reporter produces an extensive reportage about existing differences and problems across Europe to integrate recognized refugees successfully into the labour market. What are the obstacles to find professional recognition, is talent wasted because highly-qualified refugees are not finding a job at their… Read More
In France there is a debate about work time and competitiveness. There are a lot of political and economic critics against the 35 hour working week, which may destroy the competitiveness of French companies. But are the French employees working enough? The Dutch have a… Read More
On July 17th 2014 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed in eastern Ukraine. On board were 283 passengers and 15 crew members. Among the passengers were 196 Dutch nationals. None of the passengers and the crew survived the crash. The Joint Investigation Team (JIT), the Netherlands… Read More
For a reportage to be broadcasted on Valentine’s Day, the news program from the first French TV channel TF1 produces a reportage about the Flora Holland flower auction in Aalsmeer. French buyers are portrayed while they check the quality of the flowers. They explain how… Read More
Over the last years Dutch innovative initiatives in elderly care attracted worldwide attention. The BBC Scotland program Eorpa produces a background reportage about the phenomena and covers three different innovations. An old people’s home from Humanitas in Deventer offers free housing for students in exchange… Read More
The Finish public broadcaster YLE is producing a series of international reportages about climate change to be broadcasted and published during the Paris Climate Summit 2015. Foreign YLE correspondent Maria Tolsa also visits the Netherlands to see how the Dutch cope with the changing climate…. Read More
Gordon Watson is recognised as one of the world’s leading authorities of 20th Century design. He says he was always destined to work in antiques having caught the ‘dealer bug’ at a young age. For BBC 2 Gordon is followed while he is in the… Read More
European agricultural ministers are holding emergency talks about the problems European farmers have with the decreasing prices for agricultural products. NHK Europe correspondent Kaori Nagao produces a reportage about a small Belgian dairy farmer that will demonstrate in Brussels to get financial support from the… Read More
Sail Amsterdam is the largest free public event in the world. Its inaugural edition took place in 1975 as part of celebrations marking Amsterdam’s 700th jubilee. At the heart of this internationally renowned event is an immense flotilla of Tall Ships, maritime heritage, naval ships… Read More