Between 1949 and 1987 artists in the Netherlands received subsidies for delivering their art to the Dutch state. At the start of the, so called Visual Artists Arrangement (BKR), around 200 artists made use of the regulation. At the end of the wild sixties artists… Read More
Service: accompanying filming
Featurez offers dedicated and all-round accompaniment. We take care that filming happens smoothly, and that both crew and people in the field are happy. We can drive a rental car or van, give advice, translate, do Dutch interviews when necessary, and ‘shoot the trouble’ when needed.
Since the Dutch bishop Muskens stated in an interview: ‘When you really cannot afford it, you should be allowed to steal bread from a bakery’, poverty is an hot item in the Netherlands. A huge demonstration against poverty is organised in The Hague and talks… Read More
Amsterdam is the most heaviest smeared city in Europe. The density of graffiti is even worse than New York and the quality seems to be world famous. The Amsterdam authorities want to ban graffiti from the city and launches the special project ‘Graffiti Finit’. There… Read More
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Westgaarde Crematorium in Amsterdam, a public information day is organised. A so-called open day. The idea is that young and old can discover what a crematorium has to offer and how it all works. Entering the beautiful green… Read More
After more and more questiones come up around the ELAL plane crash in the Amsterdam Bijlmermeer, a special Dutch parliamentary study group is formed to make an inventory of the effects of the crash. Visiting the lawyer starting several procedures against the Dutch State and… Read More
Because of some deaths caused by synthetic drugs on the trendy gigantic house parties, the Dutch to state enforces conditions for the organisation of house parties. Besides demands on the availability of water, oxygen and professional advise, the Dutch authorities demands the presence of a… Read More
The Dutch Agricultural University Wageningen is doing tests to analyse how chickens communicate. A research to know more about the welfare of battery chickens for the design of new housing-systems. Activities: propose item idea, research, set up and planning, accompany filming.
A reportage on a course ‘how to smoke a cigar’ given in the famous Amsterdam cigar shop P.G.C. Hajenius, and a background story on the oldest Cigar Club of Holland – women included. A sumptuous dinner with the club in one of the oldest restaurants… Read More
Interviewing scientists, researchers and journalists to investigate the notorious Second World War past of the Dutch prince Bernhard. Was the prince a member of the Nazi party NSDAP? An ARD Tagesschau news reportage. Activities: research, set-up, planning and accompany filming.
Reportage on the renewal of the the famous ideological Amsterdam high rise block district the Bijlmermeer. The set back of the ideal living of the seventies and the search of a solution for the urban social problems in the nineties. Activities: research, set-up and planning… Read More
Job already knows for years he is HIV-positive. Now he got Aids. But he does not want to hide, he wants to live. Especially socially. That is why he started a relation agency for incurable patients. When people get love, understanding and support they live… Read More
An ARD Tagesthemen news reportage about the obliged course for new Dutch citizens in how to live and behave in the Dutch society. A group of Turkish, Moroccan, Portuguese, Iranian and Iraqi newcomers get a combination of classroom lessons and learn the Dutch society in… Read More