While millions of Dutch chickens are killed to fight the Avian Influenza virus spreading like wildfire, the first cases of the disease are reported in Germany. For a reportage about the outbreak for the program Morgenmagazin from the German first public TV channel ARD reporter… Read More
Service: accompanying filming
Featurez offers dedicated and all-round accompaniment. We take care that filming happens smoothly, and that both crew and people in the field are happy. We can drive a rental car or van, give advice, translate, do Dutch interviews when necessary, and ‘shoot the trouble’ when needed.
The youth program Higher Geography from the Scottish BBC produce an extensive program about urban environment issues in Europe. For the program a crew form the Scottish BBC also travels to the Netherlands to report about urbanisation, air pollution and waste management. The Netherlands is… Read More
For the program Foreign Correspondent the Europe correspondent Michael Brissenden from the Australian public broadcaster ABC visits the Netherlands for an in depth reportage about the status of the Dutch multicultural society. A so called black school (with a majority of pupils with a migrant… Read More
After the sensational win of the new populist party Lijst Pim Fortuyn (LPF) from the gay politician Pim Fortuyn and after his brutal assassination on the 6th of May 2002, the Europe correspondent Michael Brissenden from the Australian public broadcaster ABC travels to the Netherlands… Read More
After the government with the populist party List Pim Fortuyn resigned, the Dutch are organising the second national elections within a year. After the rise and fall of the new politician Pim Fortuyn the Dutch are openly discussing the sensitive issues in their society. Preceding… Read More
After the oil spill disaster at the Spanish coast caused by the oil tanker Prestige, senior reporter Alexander Steinbach from the documentary Weltjournal from the Austrian public broadcaster ORF, wants to find out what the safety situation of oil tankers is in general and what… Read More
Two years after the Dutch prostitution branch became totally legal, by lifting the so called Brothel Law, filming director Ralf Gierkes travels to the Netherlands to make reportages for the program Europamagazin from the German first public TV channel ARD and for the for the… Read More
On 15 October tens of thousands of people along the route of the funeral procession paid their last respects to Prince Claus, husband of Queen Beatrix, who died on 6 October. The prince’s body was transferred to the Nieuwe Kerk in Delft in a grey… Read More
The Netherlands is called the Columbia of Europe mainly because of XTC production and export, but also because of the heroin transfers to the UK, Germany and France. For a reportage for the program Europamagazin from the first German public TV channel ARD, Europe correspondent… Read More
A reporter from the American West Coast school broadcaster Channel One travels to the Netherlands to have a look at the fight against XTC production, trade and use in The Netherlands. An XTC specialist and a public prosecutor from the special Synthetic Drugs organisation Unit… Read More
Suddenly a discussion arises in England to change the urban design. New theories proof that when cars, bicycle and pedestrians are existing closer together without any guidance, cars slow down and pedestrians are far more aware what happens around them. The future formula seems to… Read More
While the populism of the late Pim Fortuyn is more and more adapted by the Dutch, it seems the natives and migrants do not live so well together anymore in the Netherlands. For the BBC program Eurobrief reporter Flavia Jokic travels to the Netherlands to… Read More