What happened to the tolerant culture in The Netherlands after Theo van Gogh was killed. Where did it go wrong and where will it go to? Who was film director Theo van Gogh and why was he killed. The news program from the French first… Read More
Service: accompanying filming
Featurez offers dedicated and all-round accompaniment. We take care that filming happens smoothly, and that both crew and people in the field are happy. We can drive a rental car or van, give advice, translate, do Dutch interviews when necessary, and ‘shoot the trouble’ when needed.
The American school broadcaster Channel One wants to know what the Dutch youngsters think about George W. Bush and his foreign policy. Interviews with young Dutch students, skaters and young tourists visiting a grand cafe in Amsterdam. For this reportage Featurez did the research, set-up… Read More
The start of the first pro forma trial of Mohammed B., the suspect of the murder on Dutch film director Theo van Gogh, starts in the highly secured court in Amsterdam with the nickname ‘The Bunker’. For the reportage program Tagesthemen from the German first… Read More
After the death of the Dutch Prince Bernard, the program Morgenmagazin from the German first public TV channel ARD sends Europe correspondent Michael Strempel to the Netherlands to broadcasts ‘live’ about the sad news from the Soestdijk palace in the Dutch town Baarn. For this… Read More
The Dutch city Venlo decided to finally execute the plan to create a drive-in coffee shop at the German – Dutch border to fight the annoyance of especially German drug tourists in the centre of town. The Dutch Minister of Justice is not very happy… Read More
The Europe correspondent Hans Peter Stalder from the Swiss public TV channel Schweizer Fernsehen wants to investigate what happened in The Netherlands, after the brutal murder on the controversial moviemaker and columnist Theo van Gogh for the background reportage program ’10 vor 10’. His main… Read More
After the brutal murder on the controversial film director and columnist Theo van Gogh, the Dutch society is in a shock. Islamic schools and mosques burn down and around the murder site people of all kinds of cultural backgrounds are debating constantly. The background reportage… Read More
On the morning of the 2nd of November, the controversial film director and columnist Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered in the middle of a street in the West of Amsterdam. One of the last projects of Van Gogh was the film Submission, written by… Read More
A young Irish citizen, called Derek Cooper, is found dead on a toilet in a youth hostel in the centre of Amsterdam. The cause of death of the young Irish man whose body was found in a locked toilet in an Amsterdam hostel on the… Read More
How is the European ‘war on terrorism’ going? What is the effect on the Muslim communities in Europe? What are the deeper tensions that surround Islam’s growing importance in Europe? Is there a new face of militant Islam in Europe after the Madrid attacks? For… Read More
More and more city councils in The Netherlands decide to accommodate maladjusted people and asocial families in container on the side of town. These vandalism proof mobile housing units and prefab-apartments usually have two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Forced transfer to these provisional… Read More
It is legal for people suffering from dementia to get euthanasia under very strict conditions. The Dutch board of Attorney Generals decided to stop prosecuting a doctor who helped a patient with Alzheimer disease with suicide. The board stated that Alzheimer itself is not an… Read More