Soon it will be a year ago that the dramatic crash of the MH17 plane took place in the east of Ukraine. Reporter Henriette Engbersen got the assignment to make a news reportage for the SRF program Tagesschau about the ongoing research after what caused… Read More
Author: Sjoerd de Vries
Because the Dutch president of the Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem is in the media daily negotiating with Greece to find a solution for the financial problems, Swiss correspondent Sebastian Ramspeck want to make a portrait of the Dutch finance minister.
Traumatised British veterans help to search for human remains at the battle of Waterloo. Archaeology as therapy for British veterans that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan and ended up with a post-traumatic stress syndrome. An ambitious charity project that started this months will put… Read More
For a conference in the Amsterdam RAI Convention Centre the German marketing and production company Schönith Media needs a camera team to film in Amsterdam for a promotion film to be shown on a trade fair. Senior executives of participating companies meet each other and… Read More
The discussion program C dans l’air from the 5th French public channel organise a debate about a French mayor that admits that his municipalities keeps statistics per migrant group, something that is not done in the French republic. France 5 reporter Maxime Vautier is send… Read More
The next Euronews discussion program On The Front Line will be about legal highs and will be broadcasted on 4th of June, the day that the European Drug Agency will publish its annual report. Despite many EU countries imposing bans on these substances like smart… Read More
Hungry, homeless young boys in the Central African Republic were forced by French UN soldiers to perform sex acts on them in return for food or money. Sources close to the case said UN Aid worker Anders Kompass passed the document to the French authorities… Read More
The Netherlands is the forerunner in Europe in the reduction of the use of antibiotics in intensive cattle farming. The densely populated country is the second largest agricultural exporter in the world and this has its negative effects on public health. Lately local doctors have… Read More
After it becomes clear that after Belgian detainees also Norwegian detainees will be locked up in the Netherlands, the French public broadcaster France2 comes to the Netherlands to film for a news reportage about the Dutch jail system. The goal of the reportage is to… Read More
On April 1, the 31 year old European milk quota will be lifted. Swiss TV broadcasts a news reportage from the Netherlands, the second largest dairy producer and exporter in the world. Two Dutch dairy farmers give their views about the new situation. A small… Read More
After it comes out that the German Wings plane was crashed into the French Alps deliberately, ABC News wants an interview with the chairman of the German Airline Pilots Association James Phillips about the latest news. James Phillips is accidentally in the Netherlands to meet… Read More
In Purmerend, a small town north of Amsterdam, an aggressive eagle owl is attacking residents for weeks. Often the bird of prey hides out in a complex for mental handicapped. The owl has attacked dozens of times, usually at the start of the evening. It… Read More