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May 1998

Justice in the neighbourhood

In some Dutch cities an experiment called Justice in the neighbourhood’ (JIB) started. The idea of JIB. is to bring the activities of the Justice department closer to the people. This means that offenders and vic­tims get a more direct and fast treatment around the cor­ner. After a year the officer of justice Mr. Siep Buist under­stands a lot more about the pro­blems of the inhabitants of Malburgen, a run down neighbourhood in Arnhem. So the punishment is not so much based on dossiers any more, but on direct background information through human contact. Besides this the handling of the case is faster because of the close cooperation with police and the county court. For the rest the JIB stimulates the cooperation with other organisations like the rehabili­tation-department and other organisati­ons: neighbourhood-help-office, social securi­ty department, Children-protection department. An ARD Tagesthemen reportage.


Activities: screen-item idea, research, set-up & planning, direction and interviews.
