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November 2000
British Broadcasting Corporation

Dutch euthanasia legislation

Doctors in The Netherlands help thousands of people to die each year. Because the Dutch Lower house discusses a law proposal to legalise euthanasia under strict conditions, a BBC reporter travels to the Netherlands to film for a reportage about euthanasia.

The mother of Nelleke Dumme was terminally ill of cancer and she choose the moment to die. Nelleke explains what it meant to her mother and for herself. Still many people remain opposed to the new legislation. At the Johannes Hospice they believe they offer a better solution because it is an unnatural step in the dying process.. Boris Dittrich, member of Parliament for the party D’66, the party that is proposing the Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide Act explains why euthanasia legislations is so important.

For this production Featurez gave advice, did the research, set-up and planning and accompanied the filming.
